Wednesday, April 28, 2010

North Oak Harbor Street Preview

The North Oak Harbor Street Improvement project will result in an entirely new street that is significantly improved. The main features are; a center lane for left turns from Whidbey to Crosby avenues, street lighting, a continuous 9-foot wide paved path along the west side, a continuous sidewalk along the east side, and landscaping.  The following links lead to grapic displays of the new street.

This link leads to an aerial photograph of the project site with the features of the new street inposed on the photo (This is a large file, high-speed internet service is recommended for viewing).

This link leads to a conceptual drawing of the new street and also includes an example plan for driveway reconstruction.

Arnie Peterschmidt

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

April 27 Update

Installation of new storm drain pipe and catch basins is nearing completion.  This work started near the Whidbey intersection and has been progressing north over the past 2 weeks.  The remaining storm drain work is on Crosby Ave and Oak Harbor Street north of the Crosby intersection.  Expect to find heavy equipment, men and traffic control in and near this intersection tomorrow and maybe Thursday too.

There is quite a bit of work similar to the storm pipe installation remaining including installing new water main from the NE 7th intersection north along Oak Harbor Street about 700 feet and trenching along the east side of Oak Harbor Street for underground power for street lights. 

We recognise that this project has been a great inconvenience to everyone but especially those living in the project area.  We will do our best to work with residents to reduce inconvenience.  Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns regarding this project.


Arnie Peterschmidt

Monday, April 12, 2010

April 12 Update

Reconstruction of N. Oak Harbor Street is steadily progressing. New storm drain pipes and catch basins are being installed at the intersection of Oak Harbor and Columbia. Expect work crews and heavy equipment to occupy the intersection again on Tuesday. Storm drain work will continue north through this week. Expect to find traffic control flaggers, alternating one-way traffic and some traffic delays during the day. Please be cautious driving through the construction zone. The road surface will be rough and irregular.
There has not been much rain lately so the project area is beginning to dry and become dusty. The Contractor will be spraying water from trucks to reduce the amount of dust from the site.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding construction activities, please contact Russ Pabarcus; 279-4520 or email: (substitute @ for the = in the address).

Arnie Peterschmidt